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Week 6 Topic 6: Immersive Virtual Reality in Education 

Virtual Reality (VR) is a tool for stimulation in computer-generated settings, where creators use an interface that can track and display users actions in real-time (Innocenti, 2017 mentioned by Bower, 2023).
Clouds over Sidra 360, is an example of a immersive virtual reality (IVR) experience. Students who have the opportunity to view IVR videos, are exposed to the feeling of being part of the virtual environment and wherever they look, surrounds you (Southgate, 2018, p.4). Below, is a screen recording of Clouds over Sidra being captured from the perspective of a viewer 'immersing' themselves in a 360 direction. 
Virtual experiences like Clouds over Sidra 360 can be taught through History lessons. Students can create their own video about the history behind their own area of living, and produce it into a virtual reality experience. 
CoSpaces EDU is a 'computer-generated' online platform, where children (creators) build their own 3D designs to then animate them with code and explore their design in VR. 
CoSpaces EDU helps children to 'develop digital literacy and 21st Century learning skills such as collaboration and coding, which prepare children for their future while empowering them to become creators!' Children have the opportunity to create multiple virtual reality, CoSpaces, that interests them. 
Screen Shot 2023-04-02 at 6.34.29 pm.png
CoSpaces EDU Work Sample - 'Chritsmas'

How does VR foster students' creativity?

Dede, (2009) suggests that VR 'can aid in designing educational experiences that build on students' digital fluency to promote a transfer from classroom to real-world settings'. The VR technology of CoSpaces, provides an opportunity for students' to be creative through a 'realistic' experience (Dede, 2009). Students' creativity is specifically fostered through the learning area, drama where students can produce a play/ performance that uses the coding tool. 'Christmas' being an example of a short performance, that is 'realistic' towards the positive attitude of Christmas, can be extended to use more 'play' features (characters, objects, settings, dialogue). 

Pedagogical Issues of VR (CoSpaces)

Pellas et al., (2021) mentions the concern of the cost of VR's technological equipment. Not all schools have easy access to funding resources and supplies for their students. School students that have access to ipads and the program, CoSpaces EDU, leads to the pedagogical issue of student's lacking digital skills. Students who have not experienced VR and the coding functions, may have to spend extra time in familiarising themselves with how CoSpaces works. Solution for teachers is to give students' more time and keep track of their progress (Pellas et al., 2021).
Comments (1)

Zeyba Orya
Zeyba Orya
11 avr. 2023

Zeyba Orya (11/04/2023)

Hi Shekane

I loved this blog on how immersive virtual reality can promote and foster student creativity. I think you have created a very informative and visually appealing blog.

Thank you for the videos. I really liked them. It was great to see a real life example of how people can immerse in an environment that they would not typically be in. I also agree that Clouds over Sidra 360 can be taught in history.

You can also use this in subjects like geography or in society in culture. I think it could be a great case study to be explored in society and culture when looking into different cultures. You can use it in geography by exploring migration. It would be a creative tool to use for these two subjects. After reading your blog, i will see how i can incorporate this in the history classes that i will be soon teaching. I didn't know this existed.

Great information on CoSpaced Edu and I like your use of videos. I do agree that it can enhance and foster student creativity as it lets people become creators.

Something to look into is the limitations. What can be limiting about both tools? Maybe you can think about how it can be hard especially in low-socio economic schools to be able to fund the programming tools that would be needed for Clouds over sidra 360. Particularly, Oculus Go or a VR set. Would you also agree?

Overall, great blog



Bower, M. (2023). Digital Creativity and Learning: Virtual Reality in Education [Prezi PowerPoint Slides]. iLearn. 

Southgate, E. (2018). Immersive virtual reality, children and school education: A literature review for teachers. Dice Research. 

Dede, C. (2014). Immersive Interfaces for Engagement and Learning. Science. 

Pellas, N., Mystakidis, S., & Kazanidis, I. (2021). Immersive Virtual Reality in K-12 and Higher Education: A systematic review of the last decade scientific literature. Virtual Reality. 

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