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Blog 1 - Combining Student Creativity with Technology Task 1 

Watch the video below to introduce yourself to the BBC micro:bit...

Futher information: 

The pocket-sized computer (micro:bit) allows students to connect their learning with the world, in a creative way! The relating micro:bit website, 'Microsoft Micro:bit' is setup to include a variety of coding tutorials that will help students to become familiar of how to use the provided block codes to achieve the product of the tutorial. Not only students can code through the blocks. Microsoft micro:bit gives students the opportunity to change their coding process to JavaScript, which invites students to extend their understanding of coding in a language format. Which is ideal for students who want to up-skill their coding process. McCormack & D'Inverno (2013), suggests that it is clear that future design of hardware and software will continue to develop students creativity. 

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Microsoft Micro:bit Website - Many tutorials for students to try!

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List of coding block categories to create a product 

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Tutorial: 'Flashing Hearts' 


How does Mircosoft Micro:bit enhance student creativity? 

Henriksen et al., 2016, defines 'creativity' as a production of useful solutions towards an idea that is effectively thought upon. Microsoft micro:bit is for sure a creative platform. As it utilizes the production of coding, towards building artistic ideas and design applications. The above image representing the 'flashing hearts' tutorial, is a simple design to then transfer onto the micro:bit and show the heart physically flash. This simply enhances creativity through students having a platform to see a design come to life, rather than the picture being a drawing. Microsoft micro:bit has a strong use for students to build an art project. Where the use of technology in art, is an enhancement for student's creativity to become digitally formatted. For example, students can create animal animations. Which students place aside the common art tool of drawing.  

Teachers implementing Microsoft micro:bit in their classroom, to enhance student creativity:

Wheeler et al., 2002 suggests that to promote creativity comes from the teacher who encourages a 'new way of thinking', in classroom learning. A teacher who uses Microsoft micro:bit to program students learning will allow for students to develop digital skills that enables them to invent unique applications and therefore explore creativity as students expand on their own critical and creative thinking. 

Microsoft micro:bit as a pedagogical issue: 

Microsoft micro:bit is no doubt a great tool for enhancing students creativity. As it, allows students to explore how to code (build) certain items to make them come to life. Aside from this, a pedagogical issue that teachers may face when implementing Microsoft micro:bit in a classroom setting may be the distraction of students 'fiddling' with the coding blocks and therefore not reaching a coding product to show their peers and teacher. 

Comments (1)

09 de mar. de 2023

Hey Shekane,

Great explanation on the post! Micro:bit is definitely a fun way for students to explore their creativity in their coding applications. I do agree that students may find themselves distracted by their own curiosity and so they might go off doing their own thing (and this is a great point that you have made!). The presentation looks nicely decorated, colourful images, and the page setup is very neat, straightforward and easy to use! Awesome work! Anthony Vang



Henriksen, D., Mishra, P., & Fisher, P. (2016). Infusing Creativity and Technology in the 21st Centur Education: A Systemic View for Change. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(3), 27-37

McCormack, J., & D'Inverno, M. (2013). Computers and Creativity: The road ahead. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 


Wheeler, S., Waite, S. J., & Bromfield, C. (2002). Promoting creative thinking through the use of ICT: Promoting creative thinking. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18(3), 367-378. 

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