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Week 3 Topic 3: Design Thinking 

According to IDEO, 2011, 'Design Thinking is a mindset'.IDEO, 2011 suggests that peoples' ability to design is 'part of creating a more desirable future, and a process to take action when faced with a difficult challenge'. 
'Sketch Up' is an online design platform where students can create and model 3D designs!
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IDEATION: Provide students an opportunity, to build their own future, 'dream' house (Phases of Design, IDEO, 2011 & Bower, 2023).
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EXPERIMENTATION: Students are given the opportunity to experiment with Sketch Up's variety of tools that operate through different functions and allow for 3D products to be made (Phases of Design, IDEO, 2011 & Bower, 2023).
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Teach students the basics of Sketch Up. Teach them the basics of building a house. Including the shape and simple features of a house (windows, door, steps, chimney). 

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​EVOLUTION: Students record (videos, photos) their process and become flexible with evolving their 3D house. 
(Phases of Design, IDEO, 2011 & Bower, 2023).



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Students choose their own house styles (roofing, window coverings, wood, brick).

How does Sketch Up, foster students' creativity?  
Sketch Up fosters students’ creativity during the process of students constructing a 3D design (house). Students’ creativity is evident through the choice of tools being used. As well as the shape, size, colour, layout of their house. Also, how unique a student’s house is compared to other classroom peers. Van Haran, 2010 supports the idea that a design tool like Sketch Up, helps ‘promote agency of students (designers) where they are enacting, developing an 'original' idea that holds value (Wright & Jones, 2018). 
Sketch Up - Pedagogical Issues
Schon, 1987 suggests that students are to be patient with their design process as there is ‘usually multiple gaps between the initial design conception and the process of achieving the final design’. Students may feel the need to 'rush' constructing their creative piece, due to lack of time and unclear process of doing the design project. Solution to help students 'not feel the need to rush', would be to use the USERS Innovation Components (understand, shape, explore, refine and share). Teachers ask their students to perform each component within a day, however the ' USERS framework aims to be used successfully, in order to achieve purposeful innovations (Wright & Jones, 2018). The issue of students' feeling like they need to rush their design product is decreased, due to the implementation of the USERS framework (Wright & Jones, 2018).
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